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Changed Church donate title

Growing God's Kingdom

CHANGED Church Will Continue to Grow and Expand!

Where there is no vision, the people perish. – Proverbs 29:18 (KJV)

We invite you to invest in fertile ground as we launch DREAMSEED! Last year God gave this vision to Pastor Sly; that those who were starting a business or expecting their business to grow would see growth supernaturally. This is exciting news that as your business grows you give to Changed Church out of your abundance and assist us as we not just build a building but grow a community.

The Vision of CHANGED Church is filled with purpose and passion for future generations – believers and non-believers alike. Our goal is to impact our city, community, region and ultimately, the world for Christ. Give and see the glory of the Lord shine forth! Your gift will make a difference! God has entrusted us with much and “To whom much is given, much is required.” Give generously and watch the seed you have planted become something beautiful!

In your supporting CHANGED Church, you may rest in confidence that we are an organization of integrity, that operates in full transparency and is committed to maintaining the highest standards of ministry and business excellence.

You can also donate separately to The S.H.E. Leadership Academy by clicking here and filling out the donation form.

Donor contribution statements for 2022 will be available no later than February 15, 2023 and forwarded to the donor’s email address that is currently on file. Please email with any questions or concerns.

Changed Church 2020 Income and Expenses

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